Where do I view the lessons
Waverley School has a viewing corridor where lessons can be seen from behind a glass barrier. St Ignatius College has limited viewing on the poolside. There are a bank of…
Waverley School has a viewing corridor where lessons can be seen from behind a glass barrier. St Ignatius College has limited viewing on the poolside. There are a bank of…
Swimmers know to or found to be suffering from ailments or any infectious illness will not be allowed to participate in the lesson. It is the responsibility of each swimmer…
If you have had close recent contact with someone who has coronavirus, you must self-isolate if the NHS Test and Trace service advises you to do so. Regretfully, we are…
It is the responsibility of individuals/parents to contact Test & Trace if they test positive for Covid 19. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/nhs-test-and-trace-how-it-works. TTP Swim School Ltd is responsible for keeping a record of…
We’re asking you not to shower to minimise time spent in high touch contact areas such as changing rooms.
It will be warm on poolside. Water in a non-glass container or bottle is the only drink permitted on poolside or in the changing rooms. Please refrain from opening other…
We ask that your child does not eat less than 1 hour before swimming and that you do not eat while you are in the building. If snacks are consumed…
In addition to social distancing, we always ask that spectating adults wear masks while in the building as an additional precaution.
Smoking is not permitted in any area once you are on the premises. This includes sitting in your car if you have parked in the school car park.
You must stay on the premises during the lesson and make sure you have your mobile phone with you. but you can exit after the lesson has started and go…